Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

API Key authentication using Spring security.

Deepak Nair
2 min readNov 21, 2020


I wanted to build a simple api key based authentication for an internal web service which is built using Java and Spring. I spent some time researching on this and found many interesting implementations and decided to follow below approach.

My requirement

  1. Clients will pass api key in the header of request.
  2. There should be a provision for configuring multiple api keys for different clients.
  3. There are secured and unsecured apis. All secured apis should be authenticated. All unsecured apis should be accessible without api key.

Implementation details

Requirement 1 : Clients will pass api key in the header of request.

I have decided to pass api key in a standard way from client in Authorization header. The below given is the format for passing api key header to the service from client

Requirement 2: There should be a provision for configuring different api keys for different clients.

Here for demo purpose I am using a mock secret key retriever and it can be replaced with DB or AWS Secret manager.

Requirement 3: All api calls to this service should be authenticated.

I have decided to use spring security and a basic filter to intercept all incoming requests. Unsecured apis will be bypassed.

/api/isAlive is an unsecured api and it doesn’t require authentication.

Security configuration

Authentication filter


Unsecured API

curl localhost:8080/api/isAlive

Secured API

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: ApiKey demoApiKey" localhost:8080/api/hello

Github link

